Luther College offers an extensive range of co-curricular opportunities. Spanning art and design, performing arts, music, sport, technology, food and more. Our students can dream big and aim high.
The Advanced Support Program and Individual Recognition of Excellence (ASPIRE) identifies, supports and recognises students of all year levels, who are pursuing performance excellence in the fields of Performing Arts or Sport. It provides a clear and formalised approach to the way in which the college identifies, supports and recognises our students that are pursuing elite pathways in those areas.
The program feeds identified students into our Pastoral Care team to provide support while they combine their performance or sporting commitments with their academic pursuits. ASPIRE students have access to personal development opportunities through participation in workshops designed to help build mindset skills, an understanding of high-performance psychology and make connections with other like-minded individuals to help build relationships and resilience.
The program celebrates and recognises student achievements and milestones as well as strengthening community connections and partnerships into the future.
At Luther, Sport generally occurs during scheduled school hours, enabling students the opportunity to participate in local club competitions after school and on weekends.
We are a member of the Eastern Independent Schools Melbourne (EISM), participating in interschool carnivals for swimming, track and field athletics and cross country. In addition, weekly interschool sports form part of the curriculum from Year 7. The team sports played in competition include, but not limited to, volleyball, netball, basketball, touch rugby, tennis, football and cricket.
For more information about the Eastern Independent Schools Melbourne click here.
Students also participate in House competitions for swimming, athletics and cross country.
A vibrant and engaging music culture exists within the Luther College community.
Developing performance skills is an important part of learning music and our students are given many opportunities in this area. During the year a variety of small and large school based concerts, school assemblies, celebration services, musicals and eisteddfods provide opportunities for performance.
Students learning an instrument are encouraged to participate in one (or more) of the many performing music groups which includes bands, ensembles, orchestras and various vocal groups.
Students may also choose to be involved in our optional instrumental music or singing tuition program.
Performing Arts
The Performing Arts is a significant feature of school life at Luther.
Individual instrumental and singing tuition is available and students are encouraged to participate in our many bands, ensembles or choirs. All students can participate in the House Performing Arts Festival, House Drama Festival or College Musical all of which provide an opportunity for them to perform, design, direct, choreograph and work backstage.
Students are challenged creatively and collaboratively to present a performance that meets the criteria of the festival. Both the House Drama and Performing Arts festivals are presented over two nights and judged by external judges who are professionals in the performing arts industry.
As co-curricular activities, these opportunities enable students to expand on their academic learnings and further develop their skills in specific areas of interest.
Service Learning
Service is a core value of a Luther College education. Service is faith active in love. Service involves the selfless giving and loving of others, making a difference in their lives by responding to their needs, and acting without expecting recognition or reward.
Luther College challenges students to grow in their understanding that service is not only a personal response to God’s love but a broader response as part of one’s humanity for the sake of justice for all. Therefore students at Luther College learn about serving, and learn through serving. This concept is known as service learning.
Service learning opportunities are offered to all students at Luther College, an example is our involvement in a number of community meals programs in the eastern suburbs. As part of our service learning program, Luther College students and staff volunteer to serve disadvantaged people who attend The Dining Room Mission, Vive Cafe and The People’s Pantry.
These are challenging experiences and encourage our students to consider the world around them with respect, tolerance and a greater sense of understanding.